According to § 5 TMG
Laura Dilling
At Bredde 8
45739 Oer-Erkenschwick
Telephone: 02368 9693525
VAT: DE359724757
Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Laura Dilling
At Bredde 8
45739 Oer-Erkenschwick
All information on this website has been carefully checked. We endeavor to continuously expand and update this range of information. However, no guarantee can be given for the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness. Laura Dilling provides this information without any representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied. Laura Dilling excludes any liability for damage that arises directly or indirectly from the use of this website, unless this is due to intent or gross negligence on the part of Bertelsmann. As a content provider, Laura Dilling is responsible for its own content on are made available for use according to the general laws.
All content (text, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files and their arrangement, etc.) on the Laura Dilling website is protected by copyright and other protective laws. This legal protection also extends to databases and similar facilities. The content can only be freely used for the intended retrieval on the Internet. The content of this website may not be reproduced, distributed, modified or made accessible to third parties in any form outside of the limits of copyright law without the written permission of Laura Dilling. If you notice any legal violations on our website, we ask that you inform us of them. We will remove illegal content and links as soon as we become aware of them.
Contact me
02368 9693525